Breech Birth at a Birth Center

Breech Birth at a Birth Center

Breech Birth at a Birth Center Most expectant mothers expect their baby to be positioned head-down for delivery. However, sometimes a baby presents in a breech position, i.e. the buttocks or feet are near the cervix. This happens in about 3-4% of full-term births. Here’s how we manage breech births at our birth center. Different… Continue reading Breech Birth at a Birth Center

Does The Birth Center of New Jersey Take Insurance?


  Does The Birth Center of New Jersey Take Insurance?   While all mothers deserve the care they want for their pregnancy, paying out-of-pocket for a birth center isn’t usually an option for everyone. Fortunately, with the increasing popularity of birth centers, they are now often being covered by insurance.    The Birth Center of… Continue reading Does The Birth Center of New Jersey Take Insurance?

What is Birth Like at the Birth Center of New Jersey?

What is Birth Like at the Birth Center of New Jersey?

What is Birth Like at the Birth Center of New Jersey?   The Birth Center of New Jersey offers today’s family an alternative to maternity care in a safe and comfortable setting.   Our care is personalized. We encourage the family to take an active role with an “I can do it” mentality. There is… Continue reading What is Birth Like at the Birth Center of New Jersey?

Why Should I Consider an Out-of-Hospital Birth?

Why Should I Consider an Out-of-Hospital Birth?

Why Should I Consider an Out-of-Hospital Birth?   There are a lot of decisions that mothers need to make when having a baby. Choosing a care provider and birthing place is probably one of the most important ones.  You might have heard of other mothers in the community choosing to give birth at a birth… Continue reading Why Should I Consider an Out-of-Hospital Birth?

Prenatal Appointments With Your Midwife

Prenatal Appointments With Your Midwife

Prenatal Appointments With Your Midwife Pregnancy is a very special time in any mother’s life. Yet, there is no denying that it comes with its fair share of physical and mental challenges. Care during this period is crucial in determining maternal and fetal outcomes.    Why are prenatal appointments important? Good prenatal care can make… Continue reading Prenatal Appointments With Your Midwife

Nitrous Oxide for Pain Relief

Nitrous Oxide for Pain Relief

  Childbirth is a life-changing event in life. But it also comes with its share of challenges and discomfort. At the birth center, we encourage natural labor and refrain from medical interventions. However, along with natural pain relief, we also offer clients the option of using nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide is a safe and gentle option… Continue reading Nitrous Oxide for Pain Relief

Newborn Screening at the Birth Center

Newborn Screening at the Birth Center

Newborn Screening at the Birth Center   All babies born in New Jersey must undergo newborn screenings. Three tests are performed between one and five days of life. These tests are pulse oximetry, hearing disability screening, and metabolic screening. At The Birth Center of New Jersey, we perform them right in the comfort of our… Continue reading Newborn Screening at the Birth Center

Common Reasons for Risking Out of Care

While researching midwifery care, you may be wondering if you qualify for care. The simple answer to that question is to simply assess whether or not you are generally healthy. The majority of women are low-risk, and even women with pre-existing issues that are well managed can still qualify for midwifery care.  The best thing… Continue reading Common Reasons for Risking Out of Care

An Overview on Breast Milk

An Overview of Breast Milk You might have heard lactation experts and midwives talk about different types of breast milk, and it can be a little confusing to understand at first. Let’s talk about the different types of breast milk and begin to answer all your questions!  Colostrum The very first kind of breast milk… Continue reading An Overview on Breast Milk

Can Certified Nurse Midwives be Primary Care Practitioners?

Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM) are registered and licensed healthcare providers that are qualified to care for a woman from adolescence to premenopause, and also have the right to prescribe medications and tests. A CNM can care for you not only through your pregnancy, and labor but also provide well-woman care throughout your life. What services… Continue reading Can Certified Nurse Midwives be Primary Care Practitioners?