We believe that every woman deserves to have a voice and be in control of her own reproductive and birthing choices. We offer a groundbreaking approach to prenatal care that combines traditional checkups with the power of group support and education.
We offer an innovative approach to prenatal care that combines your regular checkups with group support and education. We partner with our clients and put them in charge of their own care. Through education, providing choices, and gently guiding, we offer a woman self-determination in her reproductive and birthing choices.
One of the midwife’s most important roles is to support the mother and family with education about the process of birth. She carefully evaluates the mother’s vitals signs and the baby’s heart rate using a handheld doppler throughout labor. A vaginal exam is done with the mother’s permission when Birth Plan-checking for progress is appropriate.
The Birth Center of New Jersey’s birthing suites are designed to provide you with a birthing experience that is natural, comfortable and safe. In addition to beds and birthing stools, we offer mothers the option of a water birth.
Our midwives offer annual checkups and pap smears for all women in every phase of their lifespan, from puberty to menopause.
All babies born in the state of New Jersey are required by law to have newborn screenings. These three tests are performed between one and five days of life.
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin that covers the tip of the penis. It is usually done on the first or second day after the baby’s birth. Circumcision is a relatively simple procedure that is done in the birth center and has few complications. We also consult with a Pediatric Urologist for conditions such as Testicular Torsion. Please call us to make an appointment. 908-627-4455
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