Going Home After Birth
Giving birth is a life-changing experience for a new family. But the life-changing experience doesn’t stop there. The postpartum period is a big time for the mother, baby, and entire family to heal, bond, and grow together. We will help you plan for the support and care you and your baby need at home in the first few days and weeks after birth. Here is what you need to know about going home after birth!
Birth Center Discharge Process
Our birth center provides comfortable, adjustable beds for you to rest immediately after birth. Most mothers prefer to recover at home in the comfort of their beds after a certain period of time. They are surrounded by their own belongings and can feel the most relaxed in their space.
After the birth, you and your baby will get a complete physical examination. You will be checked to make sure that there is no bleeding or complications and that your baby is beginning breastfeeding successfully. Most mothers stay at the birth center for about 4-6 hours after birth and then they head home to sleep, relax, and recover.
Learning Newborn Care Basics
Now that your baby is here in your arms, it is also important to learn the basics of newborn care to help make the going home process easier. Learning how to take care of a baby starts early in your baby’s journey. We recommend joining classes on newborn care and support groups for tips and tricks to assist you, and you should ideally get some preparation before the birth.
Some of the basic skills that you should know include:
1. Breastfeeding techniques
Our team will help you get started with breastfeeding immediately after birth. We will assist you in figuring out the position and getting the latch right. It is normal for breastfeeding to take some time for you and your baby to get the hang of. We can provide further assistance during your postpartum visits should you need it and refer you to lactation consultants to help you achieve your goals.
2. Swaddling
Swaddling is wrapping your baby in a light sheet or blanket. It can help them feel more comfortable and at ease, ensuring better sleep. Learning to swaddle your baby correctly can help parents get much-needed rest time since a comfortable, sleeping baby equals rested parents!
3. Pediatrician Appointment
Your baby should be seen by a pediatric care provider within the first 72 hours. It is common that the pediatrician will not schedule the appointment until the baby is born, so it is important to do your research and know where you want to take your baby so that you can set that up or have someone set that appointment for you after the birth of your baby.
What To Expect Emotionally
Postpartum can be emotionally challenging for mothers. They can be exhausted from the change of routine, have feelings of inadequacy, and be overwhelmed with everything they’re feeling.
It is normal to feel all of this. Some emotions may be heightened for some mothers compared to others. Talk to your healthcare provider, partner, friends, and family. Ask for help when you need it, accept the help you’re getting, and know that it’s okay to take a break!
However, if it’s getting too much and you feel constantly depressed, it might be a sign to get help. Some mothers can struggle with postpartum blues or postpartum depression, each of which is a treatable condition with timely diagnosis and support.
Postpartum Appointments
Once you are home, a birth center professional will contact you within 24-48 hours to check on you and the baby. You can call the center or your midwife at any time during your postpartum with questions or concerns. This way you can get the rest you need, time to bond with your new baby, while the health and wellbeing of you and your baby continues to be monitored. Postpartum checkups are performed at our Artemis OB/GYN office.
If you want to learn more about our care or schedule an appointment, send us a message!