Using Water for Labor and Birth




Using Water for Labor and Birth

The Birth Center of New Jersey offers water birth for mothers seeking a more comfortable and natural birthing experience. Here’s an overview of how it works.


Does Laboring in Water Really Help Mothers?


Laboring in warm water makes a difference in managing pain during contractions. The soothing heat of the water is a natural pain reliever. It helps to relax tight muscles and ease the discomfort during labor. The water’s buoyancy also reduces the strain on the mother’s body. That way, they can move around and find the most comfortable position – sitting, squatting, or lying down. 


Another benefit is that the mother can stay in the water for as long as it helps them feel comfortable. Some moms spend the entire labor in the tub till the delivery. Others prefer to use water for labor but deliver the baby outside the water. It is all about preference and comfort.


What Are the Pros and Cons of Water Birth?


Water birth comes with several benefits. It creates a soothing, natural atmosphere that can make the birthing experience more natural and less clinical. Many moms find that laboring in water reduces the need for pain medication. For uncomplicated pregnancies, water birth is generally considered a safe and effective option.


That said, water birth isn’t for everyone, especially if you have health conditions, infections, or pregnancy complications. Talk to experienced midwives to determine if water birth is the right fit for you and your baby.


Is Water Birth Safe for Babies?


Yes, babies can be safely delivered underwater. Babies take their first breath only after being lifted out of the water, so they are not at risk of inhaling water during birth. The transition from the water to the air is gentle, and the baby remains connected to the mother via the umbilical cord until they are safely out of the water.


Water Birth at the Birth Center of New Jersey


The Birth Center of New Jersey provides three relaxing birth suites, each equipped with a labor tub. These tubs are designed to provide maximum comfort for moms who wish to labor or deliver in water. Schedule a tour today to explore how we can make your birthing experience as soothing and memorable as possible.


If you have any questions, give us a call!


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