Fitness During Pregnancy

Fitness During Pregnancy
Fitness During Pregnancy

Fitness During Pregnancy


Fitness During Pregnancy 

While many think of pregnancy as a time to solely rest and limit physical activity, science now promotes the idea of maintaining fitness carefully during pregnancy. Research indicates that physical exercise improves pregnancy outcomes and prevents many pregnancy-related illnesses.

Let’s talk about this idea in a little bit more detail.


Benefits of Fitness During Pregnancy

Exercise-related benefits in pregnancy can be broken down into physical and mental aspects.


Physical Benefits

Exercise generally helps improve physical health by improving heart function and regulating energy levels. These benefits also apply to pregnant women. In addition, improved fitness also helps with:

  1. Improved circulation: Physical exercise increases your heart’s work, training it to work better, which means your blood circulation improves throughout the body.
  2. Improved endurance and muscle tone: Using your muscles frequently for an extended duration over a long period helps build your body’s stamina for physical work. Also, it trains your muscles to be stronger in the process.
  3. Reduced pregnancy discomfort: Exercising in proper form can help alleviate many pregnancy-related ailments such as backache and leg swelling.
  4. Easier labor and delivery: Certain pregnancy-tailored workouts target your pelvic muscles. This helps make them stronger so you can push more effectively during labor.
  5. Keep your weight in check: While it’s normal to experience some weight gain during pregnancy, you can avoid excessive weight gain by exercising and making it easier to return to your normal healthy state after pregnancy.

Mental and Emotional Benefits

Apart from the physical benefits, exercise can also help improve your mental health. It can be seen by:

  1. Reduction in stress and anxiety: Exercising helps release endorphins. These are neurotransmitters that are usually released when we experience happiness.
  2. Improved mood and mental clarity: Breaking out of a sedentary pattern and using your energy in a productive manner can result in improved mood.
  3. Boost in self-esteem and body image: Working towards your fitness goals helps you feel more comfortable and confident in your body.

That being said, pregnancy is a special time in your life, so workouts that you can normally do might not be suitable for pregnancy. 


Safe Exercises During Pregnancy

The first trimester is a crucial period in deciding your pregnancy outcomes. It is important to be careful so you avoid any injuries or accidents. It is also best to consult your healthcare provider before you begin any kind of activities. 

Here are some low-impact exercises that are generally safe during pregnancy:

  1. Walking, swimming, and stationary cycling: all these exercises use your muscles without the risk of over-exertion. You can go at your own pace and see what feels comfortable for you.
  2. Prenatal yoga and Pilates: these workouts are tailored to suit pregnant women. They avoid positions that cause any kind of strain on your back or abdomen while training muscles that will help you during labor.
  3. Strength training with light weights or resistance bands: strength training is safe during the second and third trimesters, but it’s always better to do this under expert supervision.

Having a strong core and pelvic floor takes away the strain from your lower back and helps support your belly. It also helps you push with more strength during labor, helping it progress faster.


Remember that a healthy you means a healthy baby. So aiming to be fit during pregnancy will not only help you feel better but also help your pregnancy and labour progress better. If you have any other questions, ask your healthcare provider for personalized answers.


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