Optimal Positions for Birth


  Exploring Optimal Positions for Birth   Your comfort and safety are paramount for a successful childbirth experience. As an expectant parent, it’s good to learn about different birthing positions so you can be prepared in advance. That way, when the right moment comes, you can find one that is most suitable, safe, and comfortable.… Continue reading Optimal Positions for Birth

Using a Birth Ball in Pregnancy and Labor

Birth Ball_BCNJ

  Using a Birth Ball in Pregnancy and Labor A birth ball, more commonly known as an exercise or yoga ball, is a useful tool for supporting women throughout pregnancy and labor. Keep reading to explore the benefits of using a birth ball, recommended exercises, and answers to some common questions about its use during… Continue reading Using a Birth Ball in Pregnancy and Labor

Are You Interested in Home Birth?

Are You Interested in Home Birth?

  Are You Interested in Home Birth?   Home birth is becoming increasingly popular with those who want to have an unmedicated birth.   Giving birth at home, in a familiar surrounding promotes relaxation and alleviates some of the anxiety associated with labor has become a more popular option. This environment helps mothers relax, reducing… Continue reading Are You Interested in Home Birth?

Does The Birth Center of New Jersey Take Insurance?


  Does The Birth Center of New Jersey Take Insurance?   While all mothers deserve the care they want for their pregnancy, paying out-of-pocket for a birth center isn’t usually an option for everyone. Fortunately, with the increasing popularity of birth centers, they are now often being covered by insurance.    The Birth Center of… Continue reading Does The Birth Center of New Jersey Take Insurance?

What You Need to Know about Active Labor

What You Need to Know about Active Labor

  What You Need to Know about Active Labor If you’ve been reading or taking classes on birth and labor, you might have heard that labor is divided into different stages. There’s a non-active, latent phase at the start of your labor and then there is an active phase as your labor progresses. Here’s what… Continue reading What You Need to Know about Active Labor

Delayed Cord Clamping

Delayed Cord Clamping

Delayed Cord Clamping If you’ve been reading up or attending classes on birth, you might have come across the term ‘delayed cord clamping.’ In this blog, let’s discuss the evidence and benefits of delayed cord clamping and how it’s practiced at The Birth Center of New Jersey. What Is Delayed Cord Clamping?   This is… Continue reading Delayed Cord Clamping

What should I bring with me for labor?


  What should I bring with me for labor?   If you are nearing the end of your pregnancy, you might be starting to think about packing your birth bag! If you don’t know where to start, let us help you! What should you bring for labor? You can bring anything comforting to you! Commonly,… Continue reading What should I bring with me for labor?

Ideal Position of the Baby for Birth

Ideal Position of the Baby for Birth

Ideal Position of the Baby for Birth If you’re having your first baby, you might have heard a lot of talk about the baby’s position nearing labor. You also might have heard about how the baby’s position can influence labor and make it easier or more difficult.    What Is The Ideal Position?   The… Continue reading Ideal Position of the Baby for Birth

How Can I Become a Doula?

How Can I Become a Doula?

How Can I Become a Doula? Being a doula can be extremely rewarding. It lets you be an integral part of someone’s pregnancy and birth and allows you to make ever-lasting emotional connections and memories that you’ll cherish for years to come.   What Exactly Does a Doula Do?   A doula is basically someone… Continue reading How Can I Become a Doula?

Water Birth at The Birth Center of New Jersey

Water Birth at The Birth Center of New Jersey

  Water Birth at The Birth Center of New Jersey Water birth is becoming increasingly popular due to its pain-lowering and anxiety-releasing benefits. The Birth Center Of New Jersey proudly offers water birth to all our clients in our state of the art birth center.   Anyone who qualifies for a safe natural birth can… Continue reading Water Birth at The Birth Center of New Jersey